Since my husband and I started looking for a house in January I somehow stopped spending time reading and crafting. I had been reading almost non-stop for about five years, and since the summer of 2008 I also started to pick up some crafting project that had been in my mind for a long time. But with all the major decisions to make about the new house, like how much to spend, what kind of mortgage, city centre or city fringe, more room or a garden and so on, it seemed like there was no space left in my head for crafting or reading.
For inspiration and to relax, I started reading interior design magazines and blogs and I developed this new interest. I don’t know if that’s a good thing, because I am already interested in so many things, but anyway.
Lately, I have been reading Ninainvorm’s blog. She is a great writer and artist and she managed to wake up the crafty girl inside me. So this week, I started to make some sketches during my train trips to work and although they are nothing special, I am really happy that I have picked up the creative stuff again.
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